Mediation Case Law Updates


Can You Sue a Mediator?

In Chodosh v. Trotter, No. 70952-53 (Cal.App. 2017), Plaintiffs alleged that a mediator affiliated with JAMS said during a mediation that Defendant’s offer was “a gift,”

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Why Mediations Fail

Cecilia Morgan, an experienced mediator in Texas, polled 249 mediators to find out why, in their opinion, mediations fail.  Here, in reverse order, is what

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What is Binding Mediation?

Binding mediation may sound like an oxymoron because the decision to settle in a mediation is supposed to be voluntary. Yet something called binding mediation is

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Mediator cannot act as arbitrator

This article was also published by the American Bar Association’s Section of Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee. In Minkowitz v. Israeli, A-2335-11T2, 2013 WL 5336454 (N.J.

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Who Pays the Mediator?

Is paying the mediator the lawyer’s responsibility, the client’s, or both? Many mediation agreements are surprisingly vague on this, stating only that the “parties” shall

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Mediator’s Reports

There are an increasing number of reported cases in which the parties end up fighting about what occurred in a mediation. These disputes include whether

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What laws govern mediation?

On a personal note, I continue to be involved in the resolution of many attorney-client disputes, and have recently published an article on whether retainer

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